Friday, September 25, 2009

Essay Ideas

Relax, this isn't the real essay. Just a few thoughts, research ides and and whatnot.
Well, everything I've said in the first one applies to this, the idea of freedom being it's own prison. But i've also found a few sites that can help with this. CTheory was good, with this, this, this, this, this, and this articles. Plus, i've book at least 10 books on the subject matter that should come in before the week is out including: The cybercultures by Bell, David, The Inmates are running the asylum by Cooper, Alan and I, Cyborg by Warwick, Kevien.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Different is Indifference

Opps, i forgot i had a class to think about. Well, normality is the things that have always been done by a certain way. Different is something that stands out, away from the norm. Why do i say this? Cause different is considered a bad thing in society but a good thing for progression. Are you diffrent? Do people say so, cause if they do, technically you could consider yourself as an experiment of change.

We need to move forward by trying new things that may not be considered good by others.

Utopia- Building our own walls

From the moment you log onto the internet and begin to regularly vist the same few websites, you create your own Utopia. But are we really expanding our own worlds, or are we just building our selves in? I like to think that the internet has enclosed us in our own pens by giving us the freedom to choose which pens we live in. The internet both unites us and separates us, it techs us and keeps us i the dark. It does this by giving us the entire world at once, when we can only see eye-fulls at a time.
A prison is more than just a cell, sometimes it's relising that the field ends at the river.

Blood, Gore and Children?

Ok, OK! I will try to be serious about this politics discussion. Actually, I know of a situation, where Australia was banned things in an attempt to be political. Manhunt, a violent game was banned for just that, being violent. But really, there is just too many things in the world that can be banned becuase they're 'sexy' and 'violent', if you look closely enough.
But it all comes down to children, as these banns are really just to prevent children from seeing/playing these things. Why should the goverment step in, in order to prevent your children from seeing this sort of stuff.
Why aren't you looking after your OWN children?

If you agree with me, pls go and sign this to stop the banning of games!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Politics trying 'cool'

KEVIN RUDD IS ON FACEBOOK! i TOLD you it was hell!
But beside that, technolgy really has bracncehed all boundries. There is no more jobs or groups of people that can't find some use for the internet. I know this, you know this.
But honestly, i'm confuesed this week (didn't help with CLASS being skipped!!) To me, Cyberpolictics sound like a whole lot of digging for dirt, backstabing and doubble stands all on the internet. Or, the on going debaute online weather StarWars or StarTrek is cooler.

Drop-bears and other Aussie things

I don't know about the rest of Aussies, but i always imaging myself going overseas to mess with people about what Aussie really is like. How we all drink beer all the time, 24 hours of footy, Cork-hats are the norm and other wonderful things that make Australia an interesting place. So, in honour of our knowledgeable neighbours, i made this news clip.

P.S- if there is any trouble with this movie, let me know and i'll change it/get rid out if.

Free with a cost

My, it's been a long time since i last wrote. Hi! So, we've all come across those things that 'claim' to be free, right? And like most people, i've leart to never trust anything unless you can see its motive. But what about free software? Untill recently, i never knew that all four of my computers have about 90% free sortware...with no complaints.
But i still like to point out this word 'free' and how often it appears on the net. Viruse, bugs and wodden hourses (i can see my neard friend twicthing as i wrote that) all seem to come with that word 'free'. So when people see 'free' software, is it just safe to pay the money for reliable software or should you risk it?

I suppose that really isn't the problem, it's weather you have a friend who can fix your computer for 'free'.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I know that this vid will seem out of character for me, but what the hell. This is what happens after a full day of trying to think of better ideas!

For anyone who cares, i've drawn all these images during highschool, during classes that were just sooo boring. I like to think i picked the best ones.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The all Consuming Internet

Here's a thought, for everything you encounter on the Internet that you didn't like, it's technically your fault. Yeah!
Why? because it's there due to consumer demands; that and the fact that you all just complain instead of trying to contribute quality.
We have the Powera! Every single person who is right now reading this is guilty of neglection, we should rise up and stand united against every bloody computer comic that thinks it's funny!!
But as much as we create the internet, we also are feed by the internet. So, there's another reason to demand quailty from the intenet. How, you might ask, well simple think of one thing that you can't find on the internet. Go on, have a good long think about it. See? our whole world is filtuered though the intenet, which in turn goes though us and then back to the internet.

It's all connected, man.