Wednesday, August 26, 2009

3D world on a 2D screen

Sigh, i suppose i have to fest up to at least having MSN and IMVU (only because my friends download it for me and for a month we were on it before...wait, let me finish). For those who don't know what I'm talking about, come on, i mean, really? how old are you? 90? Come on.
Continuing, you create a 3D image of yourself and send it forth into the virtually world, to talk and mingle as if you were there yourself. LIKE HELL. Don't people know that reality is painful enough, that's why i like msn, it takes the whole visual and physically interaction out of the equation.
And when you really get down to it, there really isn't much of a difference. You can only tell what someone is really like when they open up their mouth (although, you need only look to see who the weirdos are). the point being, IMVU only makes your character do what you command it to do, it won't shift awkwardly or look around the room.

So, on the whole, it was a fun experience, but only for a while....Kindda like how the Wii was fun for a few months before you relies it's all gimmicks.

I'm really a girl! No, really!

I happen to hang around a group of computer geeks, who get very close to talking in 1s and 0s. Me? I've never gotten my head around it... but i can kick all their butts in what ever game they care to show me! I see the Internet, not as a place for friends database, but more for entertainment. So, when you say social media, i think about the crack of the gaming world, WoW, to which i am sadly addicted to. But when you talk to different groups about this, you'll get different answers. Talk to anyone on Today Tonight and you'll get all this conspiracy crap of how there are bad people on the Internet, trying to rob you of what ever they particular want from you.

But it all comes back to when the first nerd was beaten up for beaning on the Internet, how years later, those who beat up the nerds are now on the Internet more time then they actually are with their friends (go on, tally it up)
Am i the only one that thinks that it's sad to brag about how many friends you have on facebook? AM I THE LAST SANE HUMAN?

Will the real Sirhan Chapman pls stand up? (lame!, sorry)

Sirhan Chapman
Stephen Stockwell

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Scavenger Crap (they're just running out of task ideas)

Aargh! Each week, we are given something to incorporate into our blogs. i try to sutlerly fulfill the requirements, but this week, we have to find out answers for basically random questions?
Here it it goes;
1.What did Alan Turing wear while riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park? A gas mask (see here) This was particular hard to find, seeing as how all the brief readouts that the site gives you said that it was a gas mask to prevent hay fever, but the actually website was so hard to read.Search engine- AltaVista

2.On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they? 1969, though the network ARPANET. Computers were in Californaia and Utah (see here). Pretty basic info if you type in 1st network. Search engine - AltaVista
What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software? He was born 28/10/1955, Sold his first software either at 13, a small computer for measuring the traffic flow for $20,000 (see here). Found a wonderfully site, even if it wasn't quick to the point. Any search engine to find this website.
Where was the World Wide Web invented? CERN...a very basic search on most of the search engines.
How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago? 1979 Computer - Apple 48 KB RAM(see here). 2009 Computer - Apple Mac Pro, 6GB(see here)... Soo, yea. how do you compare the bow and arrow with a machine gun?
What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown? Heaviest Parsnip: 5.7kg, 2004. Longest Parsnip: 520.7cm 2003 (see here) .......What?
When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales? 1859, And it was due to water claims of the tweed river feeding into both Queensland and NSW water sources. (see here)
What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954? Heavy Rains, cause it was flooding. (See here). Oh god, how i know this.. my nan was saying how we today were in heat while she was swimming to her next class.
9.Why is is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice? On the whole, his poems, paralytically Don Juan.(see here) The BBC has always, to me, been the source to look up high class stuff. And most people know who Lord Byron is anyways.
10.What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name? See next Blog.

Cinema, the Record Player in the Entertainment world

So, as time goes on, we all forget our 'fav' song of the year (Ketchup song, by Las Ketchup! oh yea, that song was just awesome). It seems the same can be said about everything; today's iPods, tomorrow's gameboy (forgive the nerdiness). What i suppose the true irony is the whole fans idea that 'this will last forever'. Cinema was the new sparkly object of the early 1900s, to be improved with sound and colour. Tell anyone back then that it would be surpased by t.v, they would have laughed. Tell anyone 30 years ago that t.v would be surpassed by computers, they would have laughed. Tell anyone today that computer will be surpassed by digatal mind links, they'll laugh.

Letting everyone know that i f$#king called it. For more info on the logically adavancement of entertainment, go here.

Artsy, Fartsy

I know i may have confused you when i said artsy. You'd be amazed on just how people who study film can turn any film into 'a work of art'. Seriously! And do you know what the worst thing about it all is the fact that they completely destroy the fun of simple enjoying a film. Every aspect, angle and motive has to be considered, as well as the lighting, the clothes, the props the land, the sound and on and on it goes! See here, to understand another similar, although considerable more violent, view.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Déjà Film?

As you, unwavering supporters may know by now, i am a uni student, so I've dove at least one semester of it. I've done film, so it came as a shock to me that one of my class was reviewing old grounds. However, let me inform you on just how basic it was of a class. Basically, we've all seen a bad film and thought we could do better, but it's more than that. For every scene, you need to ask yourself 'who, what, when, where, why, how' for everything you show in that shot.
Then there are camera angles, how much of the subject do you want to show and why? Basically, the subject techs you to view films as 'artsy'.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Black Magic in a box

What struck me when researching about the early origins of computers was how skeptical they were about it, how they were almost expected it to simple fail or destroy anything around it. Not to say that they believed in magic, but that's what the common person must have thought was driving the first computer to work.
As it turns out, the machine that might have been responsible for the computer's development is the calculator. I know that others will say otherwise, but i see it as a separate machine to the computer, it is also a machine that can operate with minimal human influence.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Great events are only considered great by future generations

It is intresting to think that, as the way we are now, if the group called Luddites had gotten their way, our world would be quite diffrenet. Not to go off track with this thought, but dispite the way histoic people are protrade, they started with nothing more than an idea. This is when the older generation tells the younger generatin that they 'can do anything if only you believe'. I'm not saying that this isn't true, but the problem as i see it, is that the world is pretty right now, that there isn't opotunity for another great technoogy advance. That humans are just fine tunning the world till space becomes the better optionion.
But, 50 years ago, were there people who thought the same thing, who laughed at the invention ideas that people had, or did they live in a world where everyone could see room for improvement?

I'm trying to think of a machine that came before the computer, that was less complex but still help with it's development. BRB

Facebook: the decent into hell

I much as i try to hid my low opinion of Facebook, i was able to discover the origins of it, surprisingly, from another indirect website. My basic opinion of Facebook can be summed up by BBC's Wall.
On February the 4th, 2004, Facebook was first established by Mark Zuckerberg for students of Harvard Collage as an internal friendship network. What is really scary is that Facebook started as a private, small scale chat site and within a year it had expanded to a million members. Just what compels people to connect with people that they will never know is simple beyond me.
But either way, if your looking for information on the origins of this internet cult, then i suggest clicking here.

Change is progression, a slow thing that is never really noticed untill you consider it.

Have you every wounded on just how your generation dealt with technology advances? Did you adapted to it or were you left behind?
The other day, i discovered that almost everyone in my generation was on Fackbook, that having 400 online friends was considered normal. Although i have never partaken with any of the online friends websites, i have friends who do. I know that i am not a social creature, but even i find it disturbing to think of just how many teenagers thought that talking to strangers online was a good way to spend your free time. What started this trend of allowing complete strangers talk to each other online? How long did it take for the idea to be considered popular?
How did Facebook start?